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renew_certificat_from_letsencrypt [2022/10/25 02:08] – [Renew certificate with OVH API] inc002renew_certificat_from_letsencrypt [2022/10/25 02:11] (Version actuelle) inc002
Ligne 31: Ligne 31:
 You need to install certbot with OVH API support described to point 1 and 2 of https://buzut.net/certbot-challenge-dns-ovh-wildcard/ You need to install certbot with OVH API support described to point 1 and 2 of https://buzut.net/certbot-challenge-dns-ovh-wildcard/
-For automatic renewal, you can add to crontab the script bellow+For automatic renewal, you can add to crontab the script bellow. Don't forget to change the $DOMAIN variable and adjust the certbot line if your mail server 
 <code bash | renewLECertZimbra.sh> <code bash | renewLECertZimbra.sh>
 #!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash
 DOMAIN='mydomain.tld' DOMAIN='mydomain.tld'
 TMP_CERTBOT="/tmp/certbot.txt" TMP_CERTBOT="/tmp/certbot.txt"
Ligne 41: Ligne 43:
-/usr/local/bin/certbot --preferred-chain "ISRG Root X1" certonly --dns-ovh --dns-ovh-credentials /root/.ovhapi --non-interactive --agree-tos --email postmaster@$DOMAIN -d mail.$DOMAIN > /tmp/certbot.txt+/usr/local/bin/certbot --preferred-chain "ISRG Root X1" certonly --dns-ovh --dns-ovh-credentials /root/.ovhapi --non-interactive --agree-tos --email $MAIL_USER@$DOMAIN -d $HOST.$DOMAIN > /tmp/certbot.txt
 #check if renewal is needed #check if renewal is needed
renew_certificat_from_letsencrypt.1666656519.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2022/10/25 02:08 de inc002